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Prof. Joan Ramon Morante

更新时间:2023-06-19 14:57

He has co-authored more than 600 publications with more than 37.000 citations (GS) with h factor 104. He has 24 patents, has been director of 56 doctoral theses, has participated/coordinated in numerous projects of different international and industrial programs (> 60) and has been distinguished with the Narcís Monturiol medal from the Generalitat de Catalunya. He has been editor-chief in several journals and now is currently president of the European Materials Society.

Rational catalysts design in a renewable driven circular economy for an effective energy transition

The great challenge for humanity to face climate change and the depletion of resources is the substitution of fossil sources used to produce energy and to obtain products that today are still obtained from oil.

Only with this substitution can a circular economy be started that optimizes the use of resources and ensures the sustainability of the planet defining the required energy transition to meet the requirements to achieve the electrification and/or decarbonization of our society, without CO2 emissions.
For this, the rational development of the catalysts becomes a fundamental key. It is necessary to have highly effective and appropriate catalyst materials to efficiently generate energy, store energy with high round-trip efficiencies, or give rise to reactions to obtain new energy vectors or value-added chemical products that make petrochemical industrial production sustainable or promote the recovery of waste or the  bioenergy production.